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Slusser Law Firm Sponsors Prom Promise for Third Consecutive Year


Slusser Law Firm Prom Promise SignThe Slusser Law Firm sponsored the Hazleton Are School District's Prom Promise program for the third consecutive year. Attorney Christopher Slusser helped members of the Class of 2017 pledge to stay safe during prom season with an assembly at the school.

Seniors from Hazleton Area High School and Hazleton Area Academy of Sciences attended the assembly and signed pledge cards promising not to drink and drive or drive distracted on prom night.

During the program, Attorney Slusser drew several seniors’ names out of a box and rewarded them with various prizes sponsored by the Slusser Law Firm. The grand prize was a free limo ride. Pictured below is Attorney Slusser with the grand prize winner and her guests.

Prom Winners in Front of Limo
