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Dress for the Slide, Not the Ride: Tips for Reducing Motorcycle Injuries

motorcycle rider wearing a helmet, goggles, and a leather jacket

Why Motorcycle Rider Clothing Matters

Most riders know that wearing a helmet has proven to reduce your risk of injury during a crash, but there are many other items of clothing that you could be wearing to protect yourself from other severe, lifelong injuries. Although these cannot completely reduce the possibility of being involved in a collision or fall, they do provide substantial protection if one occurs.

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What is the Appropriate Clothing to Wear?

There are five essential items that any motorcycle rider (no matter how experienced) should wear for their protection, even if not legally required to do so. Here is what you need to know:

Protective Eyewear

Having protective eyewear during a ride is an essential part of keeping yourself safe. Not only does it protect your eyes from the sun, but it can also keep wind, dirt, bugs, and other flying objects from impairing your vision. Pennsylvania requires protective eyewear for all motorcycle riders, and the state also recommends that shatter-proof eye protection be worn, rather than just your standard sunglasses.

Padded Jackets

Wearing a jacket made from abrasion-protective material and padding is highly effective in protecting you from environmental factors like the sun, wind, and bugs and is instrumental in reducing severe scrapes during falls.

Riding Gloves

Any seasoned or novice rider has felt the impact of their motorcycle’s vibrations. This can cause a numbness or tingling sensation in your hands that can make it more difficult to operate your bike. Wearing motorcycle gloves not only absorbs this vibration but can also lessen the possibility of getting burns or cuts on your hands during a fall.

Riding Pants

Although your basic denim may feel more comfortable in everyday life, relying only on jeans to protect your legs during a fall could actually lead to more injury. Unfortunately, jeans aren’t designed with durable enough material and often can rip when you go skidding across the pavement. Instead, opt for riding pants made from leather, kevlar, or those that are specifically designed for motorcycle riders.

Armored Boots

It used to be a common thought that any kind of closed-toe shoe is ideal for motorcycle riding. While that may largely be the case, new research has shown that wearing boots, especially armored boots, can significantly reduce injuries. A study conducted by the United States Marine Corps found that armored motorcycle boots can reduce the risk of an open wound by about 90%, compared to your standard boot at 73%.

Making your safety a priority never goes out of style. Before heading out on a motorcycle ride, take the extra time to dress in a way that can keep you protected during the worst-case scenario.

Pennsylvania Motorcycle Crash Attorneys

Slusser Law Firm has over 170 years of combined experience representing injured motorcycle riders across Pennsylvania. If you or a loved one was injured in an accident while riding a motorcycle, we can help.

Call (570) 405-9953 to get in touch with a member of our team and schedule your free consultation*.
