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Slusser Law Firm Helps Banks Twp. Seek Recycling Solution

This article by Jim Dino is reprinted from the May 16 Standard-Speaker.

Banks Township supervisors are considering ways to stop people from putting regular trash into the recycling bins at the rear of Tresckow Fire Company.

John Solt, an attorney with the Slusser law firm — the township’s solicitor — said he and Chris Slusser discussed some options to stop the trash from being thrown in the large orange bins meant for recyclables.

“We kicked around several ideas to avoid the abuses,” Solt told the supervisors. “One of the suggestions was having a manned facility with limited hours to accept the recyclables. It could be manned by volunteers. This is the only way we can ensure garbage is not thrown in the recycling bins.”

Another idea is asking the recycling contractor how they deal with this.

“This certainly isn’t the first time it’s come up,” Solt said.

Another possibility is cameras, “and publicizing the fact that cameras have been installed,” Solt said. “The problem with that is most folks have seen the quality of surveillance cameras. If you can’t get a license plate, they (dumpers) may be hard to track down.”

Another suggestion was to hire a security guard “for a limited amount of time,” Solt said. “Hopefully, that will discourage folks coming there to dispose of trash.”

Supervisor Joe Clark said the board will take those suggestions into consideration.

“It has gotten a little bit better since people have been watching,” Clark said. “We are still talking about cameras and a fence behind it so that if anything blows, the fence will catch it. It will be easier for the workers to pick it up.”

Last month, Supervisor Charles Schalles asked about the township’s policy on keeping tape recordings of meetings. Solt researched the question and gave his answer at the last supervisors’ meeting on Monday night.

“The prior solicitor had prepared a records retention policy, and that was enacted by the body (supervisors),” Solt said. “We need to review that policy in terms of the definition of records, and if it addresses tapes. If it does, that will be the guiding and controlling principle as to how long these audiotapes have to be retained. If there is no such coverage within that ordinance, we’d be glad to draft one.

“If the contents of the audiotapes are placed within the minutes, there is no need to retain them.”

A resident asked what resolution has been made with the lack of water to fire hydrants.

Supervisor Rick Porpiglia said he and Fire Chief Joe Geusic will review which hydrants are still working, and will mark them so firefighters know where they are. Porpiglia said the working hydrants can be used to fill ponds firefighters create when they are fighting a fire.

The supervisors also honored Michael Shott, son of Joseph and Mary Shott of Parkview, as an Eagle Scout.

Clark said if any other township residents reach such achievements, the supervisors would like to know so they can acknowledge them properly.
